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We are contacting you because we received a report of copyright infringement on the product detail page associated with one or more of your listings. Sellers on Amazon.com are not allowed to use copyrighted text without authorization from the rights holder.

Please modify your product detail page(s) to ensure they do not infringe on the copyright(s) of the rights owner listed below.
If you believe your listing was removed in error, please provide supporting documentation (e.g., letter of authorization, licensing agreement).

How do I submit this information?
Go to Received Intellectual Property Complaints under the Product Policy Compliance section in account health (https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... em_mpa) and locate the deactivation record for this product listing. Click on the Appeal button next to the listing deactivation record to submit information necessary to reactivate your listing.

If you do not provide the information within 90 days, you will receive a request to remove the inventory associated with these listings per our removal policy (https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/202000820). Failure to address this request can lead to destruction of your inventory. We consider intellectual property infringement a serious matter. If we receive more complaints about your listings, we may not allow you to sell on Amazon.com.

We may restore this content if the rights owner who reported this infringement retracts the claim. To retract the complaint, the rights owner must send the retraction to us at notice-retraction@amazon.com or use the retraction function in Brand Registry. The rights owner contact information can be found below。


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