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品牌授权成功但是怎么也做不了A+,可以做A+草稿但是应用不了ASIN。开了很多case,也无济于事。 模版刷新也试过好多次了,有没有哪位大神有办法? 
Hello from Amazon Brand Registry Support,

I understand that you want to apply the A+ content for ASIN :XXXX to the brand XXXX.

You can only add A+ to ASINs that belong to registered Brands that are associated with your account. If this ASIN is part of your Brand, then you are receiving this error message because the catalog owner ID associated with your account it not correctly stamped on the ASIN.

This can be caused by incorrect or missing Brand name or other key attributes in the catalog set-up of your ASIN.

Moreover, I would like to inform that this message means that the ASIN is not properly being mapped to your brand. This is usually caused by inaccurate listing data on the ASIN.

You can update the data by selecting Edit on that ASIN in your Manage Inventory tools in Seller Central.

The most common data points that need updating are:

The brand name listed on the ASIN does not match the brand name as approved by Amazon's Brand Registry. These need to match 100%. Adding spaces or hyphens will lead to a mismatch.

Note: Brand name is case sensitive.

Inaccurate GTIN or Key Attribute. When you registered your brand, you provided a GTIN or selected a Key Attribute (KA). This attribute must be included in your ASIN listing data. The most common GTIN/KAs are:

Part number
Model number
Style number
Catalog number

The item type category which closely matches with the ASIN product type should be selected in the listing details.

If you still receive this error after verifying these data points, please contact Brand Registry for assistance.

Help page: A+ Content FAQ
https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... 6B33G

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Update: 已经解决了。VINE 和 ABA 都有了。谢谢大家!


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