所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon销售和运营


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Hope you are doing well.

We would like to offer you a recommendation to help improve your Sponsored Products campaign(s) in  after having reviewed your campaigns’ performance.

You can further optimize your Sponsored Products campaign(s) by enabling a new bidding control called rule-based bidding. This new control helps increase conversions while maintaining a ROAS greater than or equal to the ROAS guardrail for your campaigns. Once enabled, Amazon will adjust your bids on each ad opportunity to drive more conversions. This feature is only available through your account manager, so please reach out to Shamyukthaa for any edits.

How this can help your business: This rule will help drive more conversions while trying to meet your ROAS goal. Rule-based bidding allows you to continuously adopt bid suggestions at an impression level within a performance guardrail. We don’t guarantee to meet your ROAS guardrail. If we’re not meeting the guardrail and your ROAS decreases over a 21-day period (excluding special days like Prime Day) we will disable the rule on your behalf.

Please let us know if you are interested by replying to this email with a ‘Yes’ and we will follow up with the details of the recommendation and the link to your advertising account.

Feel free to write back with any questions.



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5. 这个邮箱只要没注册过其他亚马逊账号,就没事,可以放心



1. 开case的时候,你有抄送给这个邮箱
2. 客服邮箱设置的是这个邮箱
3. 子账号设置的是这个邮箱
4. 你用这个邮箱跟专属客户经理沟通过
5. 这个邮箱只要没注册过其他亚马逊账号,就没事,可以放心


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