所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon各类申诉

账号产品因为违反买家商品评论政策被停了,没有收到业绩通知和邮件,只有账户状况那里有,目前账户状况还是良好。 这个产品从来没有刷过单,也没有做过站外活动,只开了Vine,广告和参加了7天deal,要如何申诉呢?

发帖1次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分0星 回帖互动124次 历史交流热度17.24% 历史交流深度0%


We reviewed the information you provided in your appeal, and determined that your listing will remain deactivated. 
We removed the product listing on which you had an active seller offer because we detected high levels of reviews abuse activity that violates our customer reviews policies. 
Due to the level of abuse we detected on the listing, it has been permanently removed from the store. When we remove a listing, we must remove all associated seller offers. 
As this is a final decision, we may not reply to further emails about this issue.
We received your submission but do not have enough information to remove the warning from your account at this time. 

To remove the warning and restore your listings, please send us the following: 
-- A detailed description of all methods that you used to post or obtain customer reviews that are prohibited by the Amazon Customer Reviews policy.
-- Contact information such as name, email address, and website, of any third parties that you engaged to obtain prohibited reviews or manipulate reviews.
-- A detailed plan that explains how you will prevent customer reviews manipulation in the future.
上传不了附件 显示内部服务器错误 我这边有整理好的模板可以发给你 建议不要照搬照抄 根据实际情况填写


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