
发帖4次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动53次 历史交流热度12.9% 历史交流深度0%


A change has been made to your disbursement schedule because we found at least one of the following changes in your account:

-- A significant increase or decrease in your sales volume
-- A high A-to-z Guarantee claim rate
-- A higher refund rate than is typical for sales on Amazon
-- A change in your sales volume in a new category or product type
-- Higher priced orders than you have sold before
-- A low late ship rate
-- Long delivery times for some or all of your orders

As a result, we determined that you have an increased risk of claims, chargebacks, and refund requests from buyers. A reserve has been applied to your account to ensure you have enough funds to fulfill any refund requests from buyers.

During this time, the money you receive from a sale will be reserved for 14 days from the date the sale was made. After 14 days, the money from that order will be transferred to you on your next disbursement date, as long as you have a positive account balance.

For example, if you sell an item on January 1, the money from the sale will be reserved until January 15. The funds will then be available on your next disbursement date. Any fees or refunds charged to your account during the disbursement period may reduce the net amount paid to you.

The reserve may be applied for up to 90 days but may be removed earlier if we see an improvement. There is no information you need to provide during this review period. We will notify you when our account review is complete.

You can see your account balance, disbursement schedule, and reserve amount on the Payments page in the Reports section of Seller Central:

https://sellercentral-europe.a ... .html

To view helpful tips for selling on Amazon, search for “Seller Performance Measurement” in Seller Central Help.

Seller Performance Team


您好: 目前,我们正在审核您提供的信息。 如需任何其他信息,我们会告诉您。 此致 Amazon Payments 团队

昨晚8:30发邮件再次催促让我们知晓进度,结果01:00收到邮件说账号彻底被封了(还是中文回复的). 这他妈怎么回事啊,还有这句话什么意思啊: 您的账户未通过我们的验证流程.  求各位大神指导

您的账户未通过我们的验证流程。 因此,您无法再在亚马逊的任何欧洲商城上销售。 此决定是最终决定,并且您无法对此决定提出申诉。

1. 邮件中所说的:您的账户未通过我们的验证流程--这是指什么验证流程??
2. 为何不需要提交任何资料就封账号呢??而且也无法申诉???

尼尔咖啡 - 亚马逊虐我千百遍,我待它如初恋

赞同来自: kimutaku 麻辣小龙虾 Dom

-- A significant increase or decrease in your sales volume
-- A high A-to-z Guarantee claim rate
-- A higher refund rate than is typical for sales on Amazon
-- A change in your sales volume in a new category or product type
-- Higher priced orders than you have sold before
-- A low late ship rate
-- Long delivery times for some or all of your orders


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