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Amazon Jan 21, 2019 04:14 AM
Greetings from Amazon Seller Support!

I'm sorry to hear that your Campaigns have spent more than the daily budget assigned on January 17th 2019.

I would like to inform you that there was a technical glitch which impacted multiple sellers globally. As a result, the spend amount was showing up much higher than the daily budget.

However, the issue has been fixed by our technical team and the sellers have been assured that they will receive the amount which have been charged to them more than their budget.

Since, the issue has impacted multiple sellers globally, it is difficult to grant the amount to the sellers immediately since the system needs to calculate the extra amount that was charged from each seller.

I would also like to help you understand how budget works on campaigns under Sponsored products.

The daily budget is a daily amount you are willing to spend on a campaign over a calendar month. In Sponsored Products campaigns, this amount is averaged over the course of a month. For example, if you set your daily budget to $100, Amazon will deliver up to $3,100 worth of clicks in that calendar month, assuming you start your campaign on the first day of a 31-day month.

However, on any given day you could spend less or more than your average daily budget. For example, if your budget is $100 and you receive $50 worth of clicks on the first day, you could receive up to $150 worth of clicks on the second day. This would bring your total spend over two days to $200, which averages to $100 per day.

https://sellercentral.amazon.c ... IAGPG

***** If we confirm that your Sponsored Products account has been charged more than your monthly budget, we will automatically credit your account with the amount that exceeds your monthly budget.

During a calendar month, Sponsored Products uses budget pacing algorithms designed to deliver clicks that meet a monthly budget based on the daily budget you set for a campaign. Traffic patterns can and do vary, which may result in your campaign receiving clicks that exceed your monthly budget goals.

If a campaign receives clicks that exceed the overall monthly budget, the difference between your spend and your monthly budget may be credited back to your account on a future invoice in our sole discretion. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

**** So, I request you to wait until end of the month and if the spends increase the monthly budget our system will automatically refund the extra amount which was charged to you at the end of the month. The amount will be refunded in the advertising invoice will be generated after February 1st 2019.

Your understanding and patience is appreciated in this matter.

If you still have any other queries regarding this, please write back to us and we will assist you further.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with us. We hope to see you soon.

Have a great day!!

To help us continually improve, we ask that you take a moment to complete our survey below to tell us about your experience with this specific interaction.

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只要平台在你的广告上动点手脚让你每天广告费花的少一点,月底就不用赔了 =.=


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