社区 发现 Amazon 美国站玩具类目审核一直没法通过, 做了c...
美国站玩具类目审核一直没法通过, 做了cpc证书,提交多次未果,客服都是模板式的回答,其他人有遇到这样的问题不?怎么解决的
4月提交是 发票通过,cpc证书(ps的)没有通过
1 请问PS的不通过风险大吗? 国内做这个证书的(亚马逊认可机构)大概费用要多少
2 听挺多人说卖着卖着突然来审核, 大把库存飘在路上,“”提供SGS的认证证书和厂家开的增值税发票,还是被拒“”?
3 有了解社区其他帖子,还是不清楚怎么能通过审核。。。
4 大家知道能更快通过审核的方法不? 相信很多卖家有研究并且遇到同样的问题,依然没有还是被审核,没有通过的。
发邮件联系:child-safety@amazon.com, 说我们证书通过了(仅限于产品安全文档,但是没什么用?)
Please be informed that this queue only monitors Product Safety document verification.
For any other inquiries regarding updating the age of the Product, please get in touch with Seller Support/Vendor support assistance.
询问原因也不说 -The CPC provided does not meet the following requirements. We are not allowed to tell more details.
-Please provide a CPC or some images to re-apply.
Therefore, to continue processing your request, we require additional information from you.
Please provide us with one of the documents mentioned below. You may reply directly to this case to provide us with the requested information. Please ensure that the documentation you submit meets the following requirements, as applicable:
Option #1 The Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) you submit must meet the requirements below:
• Include product name and description
• Contain name of the manufacturer
• Include date and location where product was manufactured
• Include date and location where the product was tested
• Include name, address of the lab that conducted the testing
• Include the list of each consumer product safety regulation to which the product was certified for
Option #2 An Image of the product and product package meeting the requirements mentioned below. (Products designed for 13+ age only)
• Contain name and address of the manufacturer.
• Include product, trademark, or model number.
• Include a live photo of the product you are trying to sell, rather than a computer generated version.
19 个回复
零度嘻嘻 - 运营菜鸟
赞同来自: 空梦白日 、 Sushi 、 YI06 、 黄燕璇 、 杜杜不饿 、 Mr.Color 、 闪电胶囊 、 子辰诗辰 、 abcd123456 更多 »
1. 首先产品要有完整的文案和图片(至少一张)
2. 将产品转化为亚马逊配送,若是带电产品请认真填写转化时产品信息
3. 带电产品必须下载SDS表格填写内容并上传,完成危险品审核(4个工作日内向卖家支持咨询是否成功)
4. 将已经准备好的产品认证证书及报告打包 包括ASTM F963-16 /-17 和The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
5. 写邮件给child-safety@amazon.com 内容参考网址:https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/GV9VZ5A7PJZQYRFF
6. 可能还需要提供包含厂商地址和名称的产品外包装,产品高清图片等。