所在分类:  Amazon 所属圈子: Amazon Amazon账号审核


发帖29次 被置顶0次 被推荐0次 质量分1星 回帖互动247次 历史交流热度5.69% 历史交流深度0%
listing 被投诉二手当新品,要求说可以提供发票 或 收据,请问可以提供商业发票(收据)吗?之前都没有开发票,税点太高了。
Copies of invoices or receipts from your supplier issued in the last 365 days for the ASINs listed below: These documents should reflect your sales volume during the last 365 days. 
Please include contact information for your supplier, including name, phone number, address, and website. We may contact your supplier to verify the documents. We will maintain the confidentiality of your supplier contact information. 
You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. For ease of our review, you may highlight or circle the ASIN(s) under review. 

Mrq1431840547 - 亚马逊账号申诉,亚马逊高手

赞同来自: 堂主



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