Thank you for your time to read our E-mail.
I am contact you for the removed ASIN: 侵权ASIN
Complaint ID:
We found that the trademark infringement is 侵权商标, we had delete all the 侵权商标 from the title, product description, key product features,
search terms and picture,
Could you please help us check if all the 侵权商标 were delete from our product 侵权ASIN in amazon system successfully
8 个回复
flyzzx - 不积跬步无以至千里
赞同来自: Joncharlie
你可以开个case 跟客服确认是否已经把侵权词在系统里给删除了
Dear Amazon Team,
Thank you for your time to read our E-mail.
I am contact you for the removed ASIN: 侵权ASIN
Complaint ID:
We found that the trademark infringement is 侵权商标, we had delete all the 侵权商标 from the title, product description, key product features,
search terms and picture,
Could you please help us check if all the 侵权商标 were delete from our product 侵权ASIN in amazon system successfully
Best regards