社区 发现 Amazon 10月3号亚马逊Review测评新政策,...
10月3号亚马逊Review测评新政策,频繁提到的Amazon vine voice 是什么意思?
Update on Customer Reviews
October 3, 2016 官方发布最新评价规定
Customer reviews are one of the most valuable tools we offer customers for making informed purchase decisions, and we work hard to make sure they are doing their job. In just the past year, we’ve improved review ratings by introducing a machine learned algorithm that gives more weight to newer, more helpful reviews; applying stricter criteria to qualify for the Amazon verified purchase badge; and suspending, banning or suing thousands of individuals for attempting to manipulate reviews.
Our community guidelines have always prohibited compensation for reviews, with an exception – reviewers could post a review in exchange for a free or discounted product as long as they disclosed that fact. These so-called ‘incentivized reviews’ make up only a tiny fraction of the tens of millions of reviews on Amazon, and when done carefully, they can be helpful to customers by providing a foundation of reviews for new or less well-known products.
Today, we updated the community guidelines to prohibit incentivized reviews unless they are facilitated through the Amazon Vine program. We launched Vine several years ago to carefully facilitate these kinds of reviews and have been happy with feedback from customers and vendors. Here’s how Vine works: Amazon – not the vendor or seller – identifies and invites trusted and helpful reviewers on Amazon to post opinions about new and pre-release products; we do not incentivize positive star ratings, attempt to influence the content of reviews, or even require a review to be written; and we limit the total number of Vine reviews that we display for each product. Vine has important controls in place and has proven to be especially valuable for getting early reviews on new products that have not yet been able to generate enough sales to have significant numbers of organic reviews. We also have ideas for how to continue to make Vine an even more useful program going forward. Details on that as we have them.
The above changes will apply to product categories other than books. We will continue to allow the age-old practice of providing advance review copies of books.
Thank you.
– Chee Chew, VP, Customer Experience
不能使用第三方机构(比如fb小组测评,各大测评网站测评等)发出带折扣或者免费的产品给reviewer来换取评价;只有通过亚马逊VINE VOICE项目组的人来做折扣码或者送测,是合规的。通过其他人或者其他组织,即使在评论里声明了I received this product at a discount or free for review purposes 已经不被允许了!
第一点中提到的所谓亚马逊VINE VOICE项目组,是一个邀请制的GROUP(VINE REVIEWER GROUP),亚马逊对于诚信度高的买家采取邀请入驻来做测评。这个团队他们一般逼格比较高、优先做直营产品的送测。做VE的小伙伴应该不难理解。VINE VOICE的review相对普通的review权重会更高,每条review都会有vine voice的标志。
9 个回复
元气氨基酸 - 招聘意德法荷销售精英,老板直面
赞同来自: 我在龙华 、 鄂夏皖 、 Adoncn
**究竟什么是Amazon Vine?**
Amazon Vine程序会邀请在亚马逊上最值得信任的reviewers对新和或者预发布的产品提供评论,用以帮助之后的买家作出明智的购买决定。亚马逊基于等客户的评论者排名来邀请他们成为Vine Voices。Reviewers rank的排名受其他客户对评论者所提交的评论的质量与帮助的判定影响。亚马逊向Vine成员提供由卖家提交给Vine程序的免费产品用以测评。Vine 评论是Vine Voices成员独立的意见。不能受卖家影响,更改或者编辑。只要符合发贴政策,亚马逊也不会更改或者编辑 Vine评论。Vine评论按照Amazon Vine程序是用一个绿色文字“Vine Customer Review of Free Product”进行标记的,如下图。
**为何要用Amazon Vine 程序?**
这个问题简单,尤其是亚马逊禁止其他形式的免费与折扣类评论后,必定会宣传AmazonVine,消费才也会更加重视和信任Amazon Vine,有Amazon Vine评论的产品将更加可信,如果评论理想的话,会有更高的转化率与自然排名权重。
**如何加入Amazon Vine 程序?**
Amazon Vine只能接受被动邀请加入。加入后就会成为 Vine Voices成员。 Vine Voices的入选是基于好几个标准,但是最重要的是其他客户对评论是否有帮助的判定以及在程序中对所推荐的产品类型所表现出来的兴趣。买家如果坚持写一些有帮助的产品评论并在一些特定的产品类别里获得一些专长和声望将更有可能获得邀请加入Amazon Vine程序。
**Vine Voices成员的筛选机制?**
亚马逊希望Vine Voice程序所代表的是不断增长的评论者中的最出色的成员部分。亚马逊基于其他消费者对评论者的反馈来邀请评论者参与Amazon Vine 程序,一个评论者的排名由他所有的评论所获得的helpfulness数量,同时以他所写的评论的数量为因子。最新的评论则能够获得更高的权重。详情请点击How Ranking Works. 归根结底, Vine Voices成员资格的获得要靠为其他消费者提供有帮助与深刻见解的评论所获得的价值与信任。除了reviewer rank排名, 亚马逊也根据评论者所表现出来的兴趣与AmazonVine程序中的产品的相似性给予相应的权重。也就是说如果一个评论者所通过提交评论所表现出来的兴趣点与Amazon Vine程序想类似的话,则这部分是有独特权重的,Amazon Vine程序会更加青睐这类评论者。因为这样会促进对自己所属的品类并熟悉这一品类的评论者对此类产品进行评论。比如,如果一个 Vine Voice成员他最多的是购买与评论家用与庭院产品的话,他就更有可能被AmazonVine程序提供这类相似产品进行评测。
当然是由发行商,生产商或者参与Amazon Vine程序的任何卖家提供。
这完全不是亚马逊的风格了。忠于事实,不管是正面的或者负责的评论都是受欢迎的。Vine评论必须遵守posting guidelines规则。顾客可以像对待任何其他评论一样对Vine评论进行是否有帮助的投票。
这跟上一个问题差不多,肯定不会付款给Vine Voices来写评论。Vine Voices成员资格的取得是基于其他亚马逊客户对评论者的评论的helpfulness的投票。一旦他们受邀请加入Amazon Vine程序,他们必须为所选择的产品在收到后30天内提交评论,这样才能维持他们的身份为Vine Voice成员,并且需要继续作为Vine成员保他们的持评论者排名处在最高队列中。
**如果VineVoice成员提交了负面评论,这是否会影响他们的reviewer ranking?**
**Vine Voices成员会在产品发布前收到产品吗?**
是的。一些参与Amazon Vine程序的卖家将预发布产品进行注册及提交给亚马逊,以便交给Vine Voices先于发布进行评测。Vice Voices成员将在邮件中收到产品评测的申请链接。如下图:
不能啊!所有的Vine产品均由卖家提交给亚马逊,再由亚马逊分给VineVoices成员. 卖家无法联系Vine Voices,也无法影响影响到Vine Voices,因为根本不知道谁将收到他们的产品。绝!